Kramer Direct - Your Direct Pipe Specialists

Kramer Indigenous Workplace Program

Kramer Steps Up As Industry Leader With Indigenous Workplace Training Program

Earlier in 2021, Kramer Direct made the commitment to become an industry leader in trenchless field training. They dedicated the time and support to develop an internal training program with a focus on delivering meaningful training opportunities and employment development for their Indigenous Partners.

Kramer Direct Indigenous Workplace Program

The training program is a first of its kind within the trenchless construction industry. The workplace program was created to provide exceptional support to trenchless field personnel, as well as delivering meaningful training to Kramer’s Indigenous partners. The program aims to train and better prepare employees in the industry and to increase the commitment to inclusion on trenchless job sites.

Alongside their partners, Community Futures Treaty 7 (CFT7), Kramer Direct was able to secure funding from the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Labour and Immigration under the Indigenous Training to Employment grant program. Community futures represents First Nations peoples in Treaty 7 territory. CFT7 helps bring resources to people, whether it is business training, coaching or aftercare, to assist people working towards improving inclusion in the workplace. They are dedicated to supporting all First Nations individuals to obtain and maintain meaningful employment based on community needs through the provision of training in the Treaty Seven Catchment Area. For Kramer Direct, this means finding, hiring and training individuals for local shop and field projects.


Though this was no simple endeavor, Kramer was able to accommodate all of the necessary training guidelines to meet, and qualify for, funding criteria. This is one of the first instances where a company has successfully developed the training program, applied for funding, and been granted approval for the support. Kramer Direct has set the precedence for others in the trenchless construction industry with their commitment to Indigenous training and inclusion.

The Indigenous Workplace Program will also include British Columbia First Nation partners Lhai Ventures Limited Partnership. This includes the Stellat’en First Nation, Nadleh Whut’en First Nation, Saik’uz First Nation and Lheidli T’enneh Nation.

Kramer Direct is proud to step into this industry leadership role and set the bar for other trenchless construction companies to commit to improved workplace training and inclusion programs.